New Sponsorship Opportunities on Event App and Virtual Portal
February 14, 2023

We all know how vitally important sponsors are to the success of an event, and events can be the perfect way to extend a sponsor’s reach. From financial support to a larger audience and increased awareness, sponsors can truly take your events to the next level. All event formats, whether they be hybrid, in-person or virtual, can benefit from creative sponsorship opportunities. 

That being said, for the past couple years, we’ve had a LOT of people request more ways to highlight their sponsors on PheedLoop. As many of you already know, at PheedLoop, we work hard to give people what they want - you ask and you shall receive! And since this was highly requested, we’re extremely excited to finally share some good news with you all.

There are several new sponsorship opportunities on the Event App and Virtual Portal that your attendees will be sure to notice as soon as they open your event on their mobile devices or the web. Keep reading to learn how you can take advantage of these new features and maximize sponsorship opportunities for your events going forward!

Before & After: What’s New for Sponsorship Opportunities?

We've created a new theme for sponsorship that is in-your-face and impossible to miss. In the past, you had the option to edit your home banner image and menu banner image only - so you had to choose whether you wanted to display your organization branding or your sponsor’s branding. 

Now that we’ve created multiple dedicated spots on the Event App and Virtual Portal for you to display your sponsors, you don't have to pick and choose what you want to showcase since there are plenty of opportunities for you to display your own branding as well as multiple sponsors’ branding, depending on their tier!

Imagine a giant image of a sponsor popping up on every page of your event, a banner at the bottom of the menu, clickable buttons that say “Sponsored by” and “View Sponsor” on your sponsor’s logo, and more! All these new features allow attendees to easily learn more about your sponsors and further engage and connect with them outside of the event.

*New* Sponsorship Features on PheedLoop Go & Virtual Portal

All the new sponsorship opportunities on both PheedLoop Go and the Virtual Portal are guaranteed to take your ROI for sponsors to new heights. Check out all the exciting features that you can expect to take advantage of below: 

  • App Splash Screen Sponsor Image: Event organizers are able to highlight an image when attendees first open up the event app, and anytime they reopen the app after closing it out. This is a prime piece of real estate that could be used to showcase the best sponsors and partners. You even have the option to set a duration for however long you want your sponsor’s image to stay up for. 
  • App Banner Sponsor Image: Event organizers are able to highlight a single sponsor on the bottom left corner of the menu page when it is opened on the event app. This is a high-value branding opportunity that will give your sponsors maximum exposure in an area that is commonly used by attendees.
  • Individual Event App Page Sponsor: Each page in the event app can now have its own individual sponsor! This is an incredible feature that allows you to highlight a sponsor for a certain number of seconds at the top of the event app when you first open up the page. This image will only show up briefly before it's hidden again.
  • Gamification Code Sponsor: You can associate specific sponsors with gamification codes that are redeemable in the event app. When a code is redeemed, the sponsor branding will show immediately, letting people know exactly which sponsors they can thank for sponsoring their prizes. 
  • Session Specific Sponsor: Attendees can now click and review upcoming sessions. Event organizers are able to associate a rotating banner to an individual session that highlights any sponsor selected.
  • Group Networking Sponsors: When using our Group Networking feature, you are now able to associate a set number of sponsors to be displayed when opening up a group, giving your sponsors even more visibility.

These new features offer a wide range of sponsorship opportunities that can help your sponsors get maximum visibility and engagement with attendees. Contact sales today to learn more about these opportunities and how you can take advantage of them for your next event! 

Wrap Up

Sponsors play a vital role in the success of any event and PheedLoop is excited to announce several new features that will take your sponsorship opportunities to new heights. From the app splash screen sponsor image, to session-specific sponsor features, these new additions to PheedLoop Go and the Virtual Portal offer a wide range of opportunities for sponsors to get maximum visibility and engagement with attendees. Don't miss out on these exciting new opportunities to take your sponsorship to the next level. Contact us at to learn more and start maximizing your ROI today!

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